(I’ll get by) With a little help from my friends 👭👭👭

Wow Wow Wow, I am dizzy from the excitement of Sunday. I am overwhelmed with the funds we have raised, I am touched with the amount of people who came to support us. Friends I haven’t seen since primary school came to show their support, one school friend even cut her family mini-break short to be at our event. 

Sunday wouldn’t have been possible without the help of so many people; 

Firstly my fabulous friend Karen; we turned an idea we had on a crazy phone conversation into this monstrosity

You have dedicated your time 24/7 to Dylan’s story, stuck in your office on cold nights and hot days. Working non stop. You are an incredible friend and an incredible person. 

Harry; all this materialised by a sheer chain of coincidences. Wow. What you have donated to Dylan’s story goes above and beyond the call of duty. There’s not many people out there who would take a family of strangers under their wing and work solid along with their gorgeous family to help raise money for my little boy. The Howard’s, an incredible, selfless family helping others out of the kindness of their hearts. You are lucky if you come across people like this once in a lifetime. A true gentleman and a true friend. 

Jimmy & Chrissy; a quick phone call from Sonia and you jumped on board the Dylan’s story train. Knowing nothing about us other than we are a friend of your daughters friend. Offering your time, welcoming us into your life. Introducing us to the Abridge committee and becoming our friend. You really did drive this to being what it became. 

When Karen and I walked into the Bar on that Tuesday night we couldn’t have anticipated what was in store. Bev, Danny, Steve, John, John, John and the rest of the Abridge committee. You welcomed us into your village and into your hearts you have given up your own time to help us and how you all worked on the day was spectacular. A group of incredible people. Dylan’s Fun Day had the most prestigious venue we are so lucky to have had everyone of you on board. 

Katie Piper the most inspirational woman I can proudly say ‘ I know ‘ wanting to be part of our special day after following Dylan’s Story. Generously giving up your Sunday so you and your daughter could be part of our day. Becoming an honouree ‘Dylanette’ you rocked that T shirt and worked as an amazing team with DJ Guy drawing our grand raffle. 

DJ Guy Powers; what did you say that for??? Offering to assist at a charity event when chatting at the end of a party we hired you for in March after you were touched by Dylan’s story. Little did you know what I had up my sleeve!! In the process you have become our friend. You are quite possibly the kindest, loveliest man (too slushy???) there is. You gave up a whole working day to be part of Dylan’s fun day and wow did you do an amazing job. Everyone has said how spectacular you are. I hope everyone whose booking a party for their kids this year book Krazy Kids Disco. You really are a fabulous ‘Guy’!

Huge huge congrats to you and Jodie on your upcoming wedding. 

My lovely friend and footballer Josh Wright. Thank you for your support in the lead up and on the day. I heard the winner of your signed football shirt was very chuffed to win it. 

Jessica Wright for your support on the day and for your donation to our raffle, a stunning black evening dress from your With Love Jessica range. 

Danielle Armstrong and Debbie Douglas; glamorous TOWIE stars thank you for your support on Sunday. 

Robert & Alex only the best Printing Company around! From responding to my email which most people just ignored, printing our logo, printing our T-shirts, keeping up with my ever increasing demands even though you were hugely busy with your own orders and making my Dylanettes stand out in the huge crowd which there was on Sunday. We will definitely keep in touch and get together very soon. 

Harold Black; our honouree Dylan’s Story photographer I am so excited to see the professional photos & thanks to his wife Marian who did not stop pacing the field all day. 

To The Tree of Hope; without having a registered charity number we wouldn’t have been able to raise anywhere near what we have, we wouldn’t have been donated such prestigious raffle and tombola prizes. Having you behind us is an unbelievable achievement. 

To those of you who came along 9am on a Sunday morning to assist in our set up; Dan Payne! Lee Neary! Jonathan Yarlett & the cream-cheese bagels!, Katie Maidment & Hollie, Laura Nygate, Emma Goldman, Harrison Myers, Debbie Shepherd, Abi Shepherd & Ziggy & Ross Barrington; transforming the Abridge field. 

Through the day people were helping without me even knowing; my brother Uncle Elvis; modelling a designer high vis vest almost single handedly controlled thousands of cars going in and out of the car park, Lloyd Nygate your vocation in life has been fulfilled – a fairground assistant! Richard Saunders and Darren Kantor who too rocked the high vis vest! Rachel Kellinger & Steve for your assistance on the stalls, Paul & Danny O’Hare for arranging the most competitive stall on the day – Speed Shooter (can we book you for our next event??) & thank you to anyone else I may not have mentioned. 

Cousins Adam Myers & Debbie Allen bonded for life through the exchange of a Kidney worked together on Dylan’s Keepy Uppy stall even charging people to talk to them. They are most definitely the ‘Dream-Team’

The amazing Stage One Theatre group and their Jack and the Beanstalk characters (book your tickets for their fabulous Christmas Panto here Jack & the Beanstalk

Jimmy Ray and the Lovely Elain Gilby for entertaining the crowds with their stunning voices. 

Leigh Young, the only person who I will give two mentions to in this blog. ‘The Don’ ‘The Bank Manager‘ and the ‘Bar Man‘. It probably was the biggest birthday party anyone in Essex has ever had!! 

Lou Karamanlis; what a job you had to do, many would want to do it just to cause pain to the Myers Bro’s (The new Mitchell Bro’s) and many watched in pure amusement at the agony they were in. Paul Myers, it’s lucky you weren’t too busy on Sunday to knock down a few pints to numb your pain. Thank you for assisting your brother raise almost £3000 to help your gorgeous nephew Dylan. 

Our Sponsors Elliot Leigh Property Management Ltd thank you for starting off our fundraising and being a huge part of our event. Thank you Leigh & Eliiot 

Glyn Hopkins your cars looked so prestigious on the field on Sunday. We are so grateful to have had you as our sponsor too. Thank you Fraser

Uncle Gresh whom I gave the task of creating our logo and what he came back with first time was perfect. He created a child like professional logo which incorporated a swan & therefore the brand ‘Dylan’s Story’ was born 

As we are nearing the end of this extrodonary list of thank you’s there’s a group of people I simply couldn’t have done it without. My friends some I’ve known for over 30 years and some for only a short while. But these girls are a huge part in my life and am so lucky and grateful to have them. 
The Dylanette’s 

Debra Yarlett, friend for over 25 years who I can go months without speaking to but when we do catch up its like to was only yesterday we spoke. 

Jaclyn Dunne, from the first day at Secondary school aged 11 we became good friends, been at each other’s wedding and there through thick and thin. We went to see Take That aged 15 and still going to see them in our (late) 30’s 

Nikki Tyler BFF’s like our girls would say for over 18 years. We have taken on the roles of surrogate mothers to each other’s daughters & can talk about endless rubbish for hours on end as long as we have coffee and cake! 

Sonia Farrow; it may have only been this time last year that we met but it feels so much longer. I am so happy that you chose to move your children to Scarlett’s school. I know this is a true friendship which will last the duration. 

Sophie Horton, you was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, when I met you 😂😂😂 and here we are 22 years later. Through good times and bad times we’ve stuck together. My bridesmaid and true friend.  

Tara Williams my other bridesmaid, what can I say my darling. Since the first day of primary school aged 4, 35 years of true friendship. There’s been highs and some rotten lows but we are always there for each other like sisters. 

Natasha Saleem and Nadene Stevenson like two angels appeared to help us out of the kindness of your hearts. It’s been an absolute pleasure meeting you Nadene and getting to know you better Tash. Thank you. 

I’m nearing the end for those who haven’t dropped off to the land of zzzz’s 

My family, mum, dad, Fran & John, brothers & wives, partners, nieces and nephews. Life changed for you all the day we found out Dylan was a poorly child. I know it took a while to accept that’s he isn’t your conventional grandson. A unique, one off, one in a billion child who I know not one of you could love any more if you tried. All the Nana’s and papa’s, Richard, Scarlett & I couldn’t get through each day without your love and support. 

Richard my rock, by coming home from work early so I can fly back and forth to meetings, to being ignored when you are home because I’m constantly working on the computer or doing paper work. I simply couldn’t have done any of this without you. I’m sorry dinners have been rubbish I guess now I best get back to my place – the kitchen!! I really hope you are proud of what I have achieved for our baby boy. 

Little Miss Scarlett for putting up with mummy being so distracted for so many months, you’re ideas have been inspirational you have such a clever head on your little shoulders and are truly the best Dylanette there is. 

So it appears after realising what everyone else has been doing you may think I have literally sat down with my feet up for months! Which indeed I have!! (Not for choice) 

Seriously though, all the blood, sweat tears and broken bones have been worth it. 
Thank you to everyone who has helped, donated, sponsored and came along to support us. Sunday wouldn’t have happened without every single one of you. 
I sincerely hope I haven’t forgotten anyone but if I have (I blame the morphine I’m on after my operation!) I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. 

I feel very lucky and honoured to be surrounded by such amazing and wonderful people.
Finally, and by no mean least. The star of the show. Whom it’s all been about. The person who has aged me terribly but makes me smile every single day. The love of everyone’s life Dylan

Tomorrow isn’t promised so please cherish every day. Life is a precious roller coaster. We take the ups with the downs and get right back up again. 
If you haven’t donated yet. There’s still time via Tree of Hope / Dylan’s Story and please keep linking and sharing Dylan’s Facebook page